Friday, December 31, 2010


I've never been one to make specific New Year's Resolutions, but I have recently desired to achieve some specific goals and decided that the new year was just as good a time as any to start working toward them.  I am really posting this list for my own personal record so that I can refer back to it later and evaluate my progress, but feel free to read along and encourage me along the way!

  • Join the 6 o'clock club - I'm taking a baby step here.  I don't think I'm quite ready to jump into the 5 o'clock club, but I have felt convicted to rise earlier and get ready for the day with my husband, rather than sleepily kissing him goodbye from the comfort of the warm bed.  My goal is to get up and dressed, accomplish a small cleaning task (start a load of laundry or sweep the kitchen), and begin the day with prayer and Bible Study before rushing into the rest of the day's activities.  Maybe if things go well, I will work my way down to the 5 o'clock club!
  • Partake in intentional exercise at least 4 days a week - exercise videos, brisk walk outside (carrying laundry and babies up and down stairs throughout the day does not count)
  • Not turn the computer on until after school is finished for the day - This is a biggie!  I think I would accomplish a lot more with my children and cleaning tasks around the house if the constant temptation of checking email/facebook and reading blogs is not available.  The only exception to this would be if we needed the computer for a school activity....but still no facebook until later.
  • Read out loud to my children everyday - Unfortunately, I have gotten out of this habit, but I want to restart it. 
  • Drink at least 32 oz of water everyday - I got a 32 oz Nalgene water bottle for my birthday (thanks, Dad), so if I fill it each morning and drink it throughout the day (instead of tea), I will be able to easily measure my water intake.
That's all I can think of for now....but I think I have plenty to keep me busy and occupied for awhile!  I want to wish each of you a safe and happy New Year!  If any of you want to share some of your goals for the next year or you have similar goals, I would love to hear them and help encourage each other throughout the year!

1 comment:

  1. Noble and worthy goals and I can ditto quite a few of them but I will definetely join you in the 6 am goal. Will pray for you this upcoming week, friend.
