Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Ok, I need the help of my readers!  After an overwhelmingly positive response for a king size bed via facebook, my husband and I decided to go ahead and order a king.  Our furniture is now at the store, ready to be delivered next week, but we have no bedding for the bed!  Since I've been on limited activity, I haven't been out shopping, but thanks to the internet, I have been searching for new bedding.  So, I'm asking for your help once again because I am NOT a decorator! 

The bed we have ordered is below:
Now, I have posted pictures of a few different bedding sets that I have looked at.  Our bedroom floor is a Brazilian redwood and the walls are a light tan or khaki, "dusty trail."  The master bath is a combination of dark brown and tan, with red accents.  I would assume that the bedroom and bathroom should at least be similar in color rather than completely clashing.  I like brown, but I don't want the entire room to be brown with brown floors, brown bed, brown comforter, etc.  As for my husband, he said he would sleep on anything I pick out, even hot pink....as long as I am with him.  (And by the way, the company names in parentheses are for my reference so that I can go back to that page and find it again)

Solid red duvet cover with down comforter and alternate color sheets such as white, tan or dark brown (Amazon)

Madison Park (Overstocks/JCPenney/Amazon)

Window Pane (Overstocks)

Red Cocoa Flower (Overstocks/Amazon)

So, if you're inclined to leave your opinion, please do! 

And, once we figure out the bedding, then it will be time to look for a rug!

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