Friday, January 28, 2011

The newest member of the family....

As many of you know, I am not an animal person.  I can tolerate most animals, certainly dogs, but I do not not want them jumping on me, licking my face, tracking mud into the house, or slobbering on my skirt as I'm walking out the door to church.  We have dogs, cows, horses, and donkeys, but I certainly do not want them in my house.  I know many people who love having their pets romp around their house, even sleep in their beds with them, and that's fine.  Whatever floats their boat.  It's just not me.  I have plenty of other living, breathing creatures who jump on me, lick my face, track mud into the house and slobber on my skirt as I'm walking out the door to church......

But the other day.....I turned into a softie when the sweetest little Saint Bernard came walking into the kitchen.  My heart melted.  I just wanted to sit and cuddle with her.  There was no way I was going to turn such a sweet little dog outside into the cold, wind and rain......

And as long as she doesn't chew up my husband's dress shoes, we'll get along just fine. 

1 comment:

  1. Right there with ya, sister! I think that's the country person deep within you - we love our animals which is why we built them a barn!
