Friday, August 27, 2010

8 years

I love my husband.  Sometimes I am just overwhelmed with God's provision for me.  He knew exactly who I would be a suitable helpmate for and who would love and honor me as Christ loves the church.  My husband knows me.  He knows my needs and he does his best to provide for them. 

He does not expect me to be perfect.

He does wash pots and pans.

He does not take me to fancy shmancy eating establishments.

He does praise me for my homecooked meals.

He does not get into the hype of college football.

He does understand my need to watch the Alabama games and makes an effort to make it happen.
He does not do the grocery shopping.

He does plant a garden every year for me.

He does not lavish me with worldly gifts.

He does paint my toenails.

He does not come up with spontaneous weekend getaways.

He does plan ahead and coordinate babysitting and make hotel reservations on his own so we can enjoy an evening away for our anniversary and I don't have to take care of anything (except for the 4 month old who will be tagging along).

He complements me in the best way, and he motivates me to be the wife and mother that God desires me to be, according to Proverbs 31.  I have a long way to go on my journey, but I am so thankful that he is by my side along the way.

If you will excuse me now, I have a date to get ready for....

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